Hello people! Ok!!!! Had just about enough.....
I had a few Milk makeup items and was given a few to review by a friend (sorry girl). I have been using them for a few weeks but.....terrible packaging/dispenser/ dispensing the products is just impossible.
To give more context...
The products I have are:
1) The mini vegan moisturiser
2) Melatonin overnight serum (full size and mini size)
3) Cooling water (mini)
4)Mini watermelon brightening serum
5) Melatonin lip mask (full size - also have the mini size which is not pictured).
6) Watermelon brightening face mask (2 full sizes)
What I find unacceptable with the notable exceptions of the melatonin lip mask and the vegan moisturiser are the packaging/dispenser. It renders the product un-useable.
Why pray tell are serums in a roller solid form? Why? Why? Why???? Is this some sort of fade or to stand out? Well, it kills whatever interest I have or had in the products.
Trying to use these roller thingys, rolled up, refused to roll down (problem one), applying it to your face is a horrid experience. When you get a decent amount on your face and try to rub it in, dried out, so you have to complete the work in sections, which wastes more time (problem 2),
Using the roller also wastes the products as judged by the pictures, a decent amount goes to the bottom and basically refuses to roll up (problem 3).
There is not enough time in the day to deal with these issues. I refuse to deal with it.
No, no, no!!! Enough.
These are good products but the packaging/dispensing method just kills it.
I will provide a review of the Melatonin overnight mask and the vegan moisturiser in a later blog post as they are in normal packaging.
I got the Boscia deodorant with the Boscia takeover trend mood box as I was looking into using more natural deodorants.
This works amazingly well and can be used all over the body not just the arm pits. That sold it for me.
However, now the packaging/dispenser is terrible.
Only way I can explain this is if you have ever been on a building site and seen bricklayers put a wall together, how they shovel and lay cement on the wall, yep!
That is equal to how you have to use this product! Must layer it on your skin like that.
Disturbing!!! Hell No!!!
That kills it for me. Even when you use it, half of what you squeeze out, goes everywhere apart from exactly where you want it to go.
Cannot figure out, how this was approved for production!!!!
i just can't......