Longest time. It has been a while.
Life has been crazy busy. Work, holiday, love, family......been crazy but hooping back into regular scheduling.... So how has everyone been?
Anyways.....Back to this post....
I found this very difficult to write. My experience on this skincare challenge was not the same as the previous skincare challenges....you will see why shortly.
I wanted to review Biossance but I made an error which I think partially influenced my initial results. Either way, here goes.....
Was gifted one of these Biossance packs and I bought the second pack via Cult beauty for £45. Got a 20% discount.
The pack features the best of Biossance, so seemed appropriate for the skincare challenge.
I will go through the products one by one and review each.
The Squalane + Lactic Acid Resurfacing Night Serum is supposed to exfoliate skin gently and reveal a brighter, smoother complexion in the morning. I used this for about 7 weeks in total and this did nothing for my skin. Did not notice any change/improvement in complexion for the duration of use. Initially, I was pretty disappointed in this.
The moisturising Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil is supposed to brighten and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles - Initially, I did not enjoy using this oil. Literally sat on my skin. Made using sunscreen afterwards a chore and messed with my makeup on makeup days when I used the oil. In terms of the results I was looking forward to (brighter looking skin), never happened.
The Squalane + Omega Repair Cream should nourish, plump and balance skin – While this came off as non greasy and it did not absorb easily. Did this nourish or plump my skin? Not that I noticed.
The squalane and probiotic-infused Squalane + Probiotic Gel Moisturizer was supposed to calm, moisturise and combat redness, also was supposed to reduce the appearance of pores. This is not so much for me as my deep skin tone would not show redness and I do not have large pores. so while i did use this, did absolutely nothing for me. However, given my skin tone and what it was supposed to combat, giving this product a pass.
Squalane + Marine Algae Eye Cream age was supposed to revitalise and lift the look of my eye contour. Did i notice a difference? Nope.
I really did not enjoy this skincare challenge. Towards the end, I stopped using the toner I was applying and boy, after a few days, noticed a difference in application. Creams, gels absorbed better and the greasiness eased off.
This was the Byroe bitter green essence toner which was supposed to nourish and protect skin from premature ageing. Also has 33 difference greens. This came with a whooping USD95 price tag.
Made the gross assumption, this would be amazing on my skin and would work with the Biossance products....but we live and learn. This toner takes the prize for the worst skincare I have ever used across all categories.
This toner turned my skin to dried out leather! i would not advise anyone use this unless you have extremely oily skin, Then have at it. If not, stay away. It should come with a warning label.
This also prevented other products from having any effect. After using this toner, any other product you layer on top of this just sits on top. Turning your skin to a greasy mess when you try to layer. This is why I had a tough time with this challenge and with the whooping price tag, I got my use out of it. Stupid? Yes! but I used it up and cursed every single day I had to use it.
From the Biossance products above, I re-bought the Squalane + Lactic Acid Resurfacing Night Serum and the moisturising Squalane + Vitamin C Rose Oil. What a difference in the results. So far, been using the night serum for about 3 weeks and this layers well unto of other serums and well under moisturiser and oil. Given the timeline, I cannot make any conclusive claims of a change in my complexion or skin brightness. However, my skin has regained its hydration.
The oil is non-greasy and layers well on top of my other skin care products and well under, sunscreen and makeup without turning into a greasy mess. Recently used a hydrating primer on top and still had a successful 12 hours wear test of a new foundation.
Despite the oil having reship, my preference is still during the day rather than night time.
Given how this skincare challenge went down, giving Biossance another chance. i got a few more of their products I am testing out and will give reviews on them as well on a later date.
I am currently testing out the Biossance toner, squalane oil and body cream.
I will have another post up in the next few weeks on Biossance!